About Us
We are a Laboratory Services Provider that performs chemical and microbial analyses of critical parameters in Drinking Water, Waste Water (Effluents), Air Quality, Agricultural Soils, Plants and other essential environmental tests. We offer a broad range of other services including noise level assessment, light intensity assessment, product formulation, pesticide residues (MRLs) in food substances, EIA/EA, OSH among others.
Welcome to CSI
Massage from The Board of Directors
CSI INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Board of Directors, Top Management, Employees, Volunteers, and Contractors understand the importance of confidentiality, impartiality and potential conflicts of interest in carrying out laboratory activities. CSI Code of Ethics stresses the importance of never compromising on our impartiality, independence, and integrity. We are responsible for the management of all information obtained or created during the performance of laboratories activities. Creating awareness of this is an integral part of CSI’s training programs for employees and have made it possible through contractually binding agreements to ensure all laboratory activities are conducted independently and impartially. The organization assures that none of its assignments will cause any conflict of interest, which would hamper the impartial and confidential business practices of Control Case.
Managing Director, CSI International Limited
Who We Are
CSI International Limited is a service and consulting company in the business of providing laboratory support systems and solutions through chemical and microbiological analysis of critical parameters in potable water, wastewater (effluents), air, agricultural soils (soil testing geared towards monitoring nutrient levels and making fertilizer recommendations), plant and foliar analysis and other essential environmental tests.
We offer a broad range of other services, including sound levels assessment, product formulation, pesticide residues in food substances (MRL determinations), EIA/EA, OSH, research among others. Our clients include petroleum service stations, production companies, hospitals, agricultural and livestock producer and smallholder farmers across Africa.
The company acknowledges its responsibility as a provider of quality testing services. To this end, CSI International Ltd has developed and documented a quality management system to ensure customer satisfaction by complying with regulatory requirements and improving the management of the company. The quality management system has been outlined to comply with international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

Our Mission
To provide quality laboratory research and testing services available at a cost effective price.
Our Core Values
Competence & Team Spirit
- Employing a team of talented and competent staff that are experts in their field
- Investing in training and creating good career opportunities
- Recognizing and encouraging outstanding performance
- Delivering quality in all our work; providing accurate results on time
- Using the best appropriate technology and methods
- Seeking to improve or change our processes for the better
Customer Focus
- Delivering customer satisfaction by listening to and exceeding customer expectations
- Adding value for our customers through our services
- Seeking innovative solutions to help our customers achieve their goals
- Behaving ethically in all our business and financial activities
- Demonstrating respect towards our collaborators, sponsors and our staff
- Operating responsible environmental policies