Inter-laboratory Services
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is a progress. Working together is a success.” Henry Ford.
CSI promotes a culture of scientific research and Safety & Security by offering interlab services such as purchase of surplus chemicals, reagent exchanges, lab safety and security waste chemicals disposal and lab audits. These services target MSc. and PhD. students undertaking research whereby we facilitate reagent exchange and disposal of waste chemicals.
We similarly advice on how to access research and analytical facilities locally and internationally. For learning and Research Institutions we carry out Lab Audits in Safety and Security, Risk Management etc.

Reagent Exchange

Laboratory Audits
In compliance with OSHA regulations, NEMA, ISO/IEC 17025:201705, Quality Assurance and Control the CSI conducts Lab Audits for research, teaching, industrial laboratories. It compiles audit reports for purposes of internal audits and compliance requirements.

Laboratory Safety and Security
The physical security as well as information security is a key requirement during research or learning in Scientific (Chemical and Biological) Laboratories. CSI provides training on the following:
- Laboratory Safety and Security
- Laboratory Information Management Systems
- Chemical Inventory Management Systems
- Risk Management and Mitigation etc.

Disposal of Waste Chemicals/Equipment
CSI in partnership with lead agencies carries safe disposal of expired Chemicals and Equipment. This process involves collection, transportation and safe disposal of both chemicals and Equipment.

Equipment Access
Currently the number of available equipment for research is insufficient for most institutions or not available. CSI provides access to equipment in Chemical (Analytical, Organic, Inorganic); Biological, Materials, Engineering and Environmental Research. In addition we can offer internship to students to carry out relevant research on request.